Custom transformers

sklearn-xarray provides a wealth of newly defined transformers that exploit xarray’s powerful array manipulation syntax. Refer to Pre-processing for a full list.

Transformers changing the number of samples

There are several transformers that change the number of samples in the data, namely:


Resample along some dimension.


Remove elements containing NaNs.


Split into segments along some dimension.


Split along some dimension.

These kinds of transformer are usually disallowed by sklearn, because the package does not provide any mechanism of also changing the number of samples of the target in a pipelined supervised learning task. sklearn-xarray circumvents this restriction with the Target class.

We look at an example where the digits dataset is loaded but some of the samples are corrupted and contain nan values. The Sanitizer transformer removes these samples from the dataset:

>>> from sklearn_xarray import wrap, Target
>>> from sklearn_xarray.preprocessing import Sanitizer
>>> from sklearn_xarray.datasets import load_digits_dataarray
>>> from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
>>> from sklearn.linear_model.logistic import LogisticRegression
>>> X = load_digits_dataarray(nan_probability=0.1)
>>> y = Target(coord='digit')(X)
>>> pipeline = Pipeline([
...     ('san', Sanitizer()),
...     ('cls', wrap(LogisticRegression(), reshapes='feature'))
... ])
>>>, y) 

If we had used y = X.digits instead of the Target syntax, we would have gotten:

ValueError: Found input variables with inconsistent numbers of samples: [1635, 1797]

Groupwise transformations

When you apply transformers to your data that change the number of samples, there are cases when you don’t want to apply the resampling operation to your whole dataset, but rather groups of data.

One example is the WISDM activity recognition dataset found in the sklearn_xarray.datasets module. It contains time series accelerometer data from different subjects performing different activities. If, for example, we wanted to split this dataset into segments of 20 samples, we should do this in groups of subject/activity pairs, because otherwise we could get non-continuous samples from different recording times in the same segment. In order to perform transformations in a groupwise manner, we specify the groupby parameter:

>>> from sklearn_xarray.datasets import load_wisdm_dataarray
>>> from sklearn_xarray.preprocessing import Segmenter
>>> segmenter = Segmenter(
...     new_len=20, new_dim='timepoint', groupby=['subject', 'activity']
... )
>>> X = load_wisdm_dataarray()
>>> Xt = segmenter.fit_transform(X)
>>> Xt 
<xarray.DataArray 'tmptmp' (sample: 54813, axis: 3, timepoint: 20)>
array([[[ -0.15    ,   0.11    , ...,  -2.26    ,  -1.46    ],
        [  9.15    ,   9.19    , ...,   9.72    ,   9.81    ],
        [ -0.34    ,   2.76    , ...,   2.03    ,   2.15    ]],
       [[  0.27    ,  -3.06    , ...,  -2.56    ,  -2.6     ],
        [ 12.57    ,  13.18    , ...,  14.56    ,   8.96    ],
        [  5.37    ,   6.47    , ...,   0.31    ,  -3.3     ]],
       [[ -0.3     ,   0.27    , ...,   0.42    ,   3.17    ],
        [  8.08    ,   6.63    , ...,  10.5     ,   9.23    ],
        [  0.994285,   0.994285, ...,  -5.175732,  -4.671779]],
       [[  5.33    ,   6.44    , ...,  -4.14    ,  -4.9     ],
        [  8.39    ,   9.04    , ...,   6.21    ,   6.55    ],
        [ -4.794363,  -2.179256, ...,   5.938472,   3.827318]]])
  * axis       (axis) <U1 'x' 'y' 'z'
  * timepoint  (timepoint) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
  * sample     (sample) datetime64[ns] 1970-01-01T13:25:37.050000 ... 1970-01-01T03:12:42.100000
    subject    (sample, timepoint) int64 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
    activity   (sample, timepoint) object 'Downstairs' ... 'Walking'


Unfortunately, xarray does not support groupwise operations with multiple coordinates to group over (yet). Therefore the samples are not guaranteed to be in the same order after applying a groupwise transformation.

Wrapping custom functions

With preprocess() you can wrap any function that doesn’t change the shape of the data and apply it to a DataArray or Dataset. The function also supports groupwise transformations.