What's New ========== v0.4.0 (June 18, 2020) ------------------------- Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Python <3.6 is no longer officially supported. The package might still work, but we don't test against these versions anymore. Enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The package can now be installed via conda:: conda install -c phausamann -c conda-forge sklearn-xarray v0.3.0 (November 5, 2018) ------------------------- Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``wrap`` now returns a new class ``CompatEstimatorWrapper`` when ``compat=True``. - The standard ``EstimatorWrapper`` directly reflects the parameters of the underlying estimator as instance attributes, regardless of the value of ``compat`` (which is deprecated and has no effect). Enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``EstimatorWrapper`` now directly reflects both the parameters and the fitted attributes (e.g. ``mean_``) of the underlying estimator. The ``estimator`` attribute is still an instance of the actual estimator but is treated mostly as just the ``type`` of the instance (It's not stored as the type for compatibility with ``clone``). - Added the ``CompatEstimatorWrapper`` which acts like a standard sklearn estimator (with the wrapped estimator as nested) and does not present the attributes of the underlying estimator. - Added ``inverse_transform`` to ``preprocessing.Concatenator``. Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed failing tests with sklearn 0.20. v0.2.0 (April 9, 2018) ---------------------- Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``wrap`` now returns a decorated ``EstimatorWrapper`` instead of an estimator-specific wrapper class. - Removed the ``common.decorators`` module, because the decorated estimators could not be pickled and therefore didn't pass the usual sklearn estimator checks. - Removed the ``dataset`` and ``dataarray`` modules. Wrappers have to be directly imported from ``sklearn_xarray``. - Removed the ``data`` module (now called ``datasets``). Enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added wrappers for ``fit_transform``, ``partial_fit``, ``predict_proba``, ``predict_log_proba`` and ``decision_function``. v0.1.4 (March 15, 2018) ----------------------- Enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``preprocessing.Transposer`` now also accepts a subset of ``X.dims`` for the ``order`` parameter. - ``preprocessing.Splitter`` and ``preprocessing.Segmenter`` now accept an ``axis`` argument that specifies where to insert the new dimension. - Huge performance improvements for ``preprocessing.Segmenter`` by using ``numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided`` instead of a loop. The general-purpose backend for segmenting can be found in ``utils.segment_array``. Deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``data`` module containing different example datasets is being renamed to ``datasets`` according to the scikit-learn standards. Since the ``dataset`` module will be removed, there will no longer be confusion due to similar naming. v0.1.3 (January 9, 2018) ------------------------ Enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The wrapper now passes the DataArray's ``data`` attribute to the wrapped estimator, making it possible to wrap estimators from dask-ml_ and use dask-backed DataArrays and Datasets as inputs. .. _dask-ml: http://dask-ml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html v0.1.2 (December 10, 2017) -------------------------- Enhancements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The wrapping mechanism has been changed to work with both DataArrays and Datasets. From now on, you can use ``from sklearn_xarray import wrap`` which will automatically determine the type of xarray object when calling ``fit``. Note that a wrapper fitted for DataArrays cannot be used for Datasets and vice-versa. The wrappers now also support passing an estimator type rather than an instance and passing the parameters of the wrapped estimator directly to the wrapper.